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Join the LMM Community of Doctors

Join our community of doctors and take advantage of networking opportunities

Become a registered member to:

receive our monthly e-newsletter, access members-only content, first-hand new reports alert, journal updates, upcoming events updates, and have your CPD points available on your account

We aim to create a community platform of shared interests and learning, where voices are heard and expression and creativity flourish freely. Drawing expertise from multiple disciplines, we support and mentor our people to navigate the corridors of their medical careers in order to achieve their best selves.

Join LLM Community
Membership Tiers
Membership tiers

The benefits of membership include discounted conference fees, reduced journal subscription fees, and extended deadlines, among others

Read our Data Collection and Security Statement

To join LMM you need to create an account first. Sign up to receive regular updates.

Basic Membership - Take advantage of our free webinars. 

*Ideal for student members

Bronze associate badge - Holders in addition to basic member benefits will be able to access our weekly grand rounds and enjoy discounts on certain programmes.

Silver associate badge - Holders in addition to Bronze benefits will enjoy discounts of up to 10% across board for all programmes and products, including journal subscriptions.

Gold associate badge - holders in addition to silver benefits, will benefit from discounts of up to 15% across board for all programmes, products, and journal subscriptions. You will also be able to reserve events ahead of time and benefit from extended deadlines. Gold members will also benefit from discounted journal publication fees.

*Ideal for registrar grade doctors, associate specialists and consultants

Platinum associate badge - Enjoy discounts of up to 20% off all programmes and events, in addition to other gold benefits. Platinum members will also benefit from discounted journal publication fees.

*Ideal for registrar grade doctors, associate specialists and consultants

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