Dates open: Rolling sessions from May 2021
Mode of delivery: Online
Duration: 3 days – 1week; self-paced
Cost: £250
Valid for: 20 CPD points and Certificate of Completion
London Metropolitan Medical partners with EnableLaw to organise medical ethics webinars, symposia and courses to keep you up to date and to equip you with the right tools to navigate your medical career hassle-free.
Healthcare professionals in clinical practice, field work or research will inevitably encounter ethical dilemmas and situations which may raise serious questions; and which will demand fair knowledge of relevant law. Our compact medical ethics and law bundle introduces key concepts and using landmark cases, focuses on issues most relevant to daily practice.
Introduction to medical ethics
Medical law governing the doctor-patient relationship
Legal implications of medical diagnosis, advice, and treatment
Medicolegal issues including the legal definition of death and current law around assisted dying, reproductive rights and rights of the unborn child, research on human subjects and organ donation
Landmark medicolegal cases in history
Paul Sankey - a highly experienced medical negligence specialist. His particular areas of expertise are acting for adults with brain and spinal injuries, amputations, sepsis and cancer. He has lectured, published articles and spoken on both radio and television about issues to do with medical negligence and is involved in training medical experts.
Mike Bird - a highly experienced specialist serious injury lawyer. He is also an Assistant Coroner in the East Midlands, investigating unnatural deaths and conducting inquests.
Stacey Bryant - the head of the mental capacity team at Enable Law and has extensive experience in Court of Protection cases, specialising in property and financial affairs. Her team currently supports more than 100 Deputy trust and attorney clients and manages assets exceeding £32 million. Stacey was appointed by the Court of Protection as Deputy for property and financial affairs for many clients who lack capacity.
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